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Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig 

by Jan Udo Holey (aka Jan van Helsing) 

Interviewer: "In your opinion, what kind of precursor/forerunner was the ONT (Ordo 
Nuovo Templis/New Templar Order) for the 3. Reich and how did the ONT affect 
its ideology?" 

Landig: „Well, my dear friend Mundt, has led the ONT after WW1 . He has taken over from 
a certain Seppel, an elderly man who also lived in Vienna. 
And I only learned about the prehistory of the ONT from Mundt. For instance the 
fact that the Austrian high nobility was the leading force within the ONT and that 
the ONT operated branches in Mexico and in Germany/German Reich" 

Interviewer: ..Didn't you deny the ideology of the ONT ?" 

Landig: „No no. I only know for sure, that they relied more or less on Lanz von 

Interviewer: „How did you come across the material of the Thule Society?" 

Landig: „Oh well, this a tricky one. During my years at university, I was a member of the 
'Student Free Corps'. And this particular corps 'lay on the line' (or: minded/aligned 
with) of General Ludendorff. Through this corps I was able to access/acquire 
many writings of the so-called 'Tannenberg-Movement', which strongly rejected 
anything occult and esoteric. But this of course made me curious, that's how I am. 

I came across connections/contacts/names, not directly associated with Thule 
but people who knew about the society. Furthermore I found out that the (entire) 
Thule Society (members) have begun to distance/dissiociate itself (themselves) 
from the NSDAP. This was strange, because I thought it (the NSDAP) was the 
(Thule's) 'spiritual father' (thinktank). Gradually however, I came to the conclusion 
that the NSDAP had abandoned its original path/ideology. For example, the 
incident concerning Rohm. 

Once the party (NSDAP) has (poss. supported) 'Positive Christianity'. Nowadays 
we are not anti-christian, but rather (based on the Ludendorff - doctrine) tolerant 
in religious matters, all in the spirit of Friedrich the Great: Religion is private and 
politics and religion are to be treated separately. This has been the rule within the 
NSDAP; north german SS/SA members for example, were known to be rather 
non-religious. In southern Germany (eg. Bavaria) however, SA members went to 
church in uniform. This, I thought to myself, doesn't fit. The same rules have to 
apply everywhere! everything is same, or it is no frank line. However, this was 
only one little thing. Then something else occured: I believe it concerned the 27th 
party point (It was a point 11 of the NSDAP program of 24. February, 1920) if I'm 
not mistaken: The abolishment of the interest slavery of Gottfried Feder. And this 
is the point about which especially the young people and in particular the work 
force have said: This is the key! - And all at once, in the year 33, with the so- 
called seizure of power, Gottfried Feder completely disappeared." 

Interviewer: „He disappeared?" 

Landig: disappeared! Nothing, no more word - Abolishment of the interest slavery, 
Gottfried Feder was gone. No one knew where he was. And this was an issue 
which bothered Rohm. Since Rohm entirely supported Feder. Rohm had the 
whole work(ers)force behind himself. Rohm: "We have achieved the national 
revolution, but the social one is still pending/to come." 

Interviewer: „You know like the freemasons operate: .Infiltrate your enemy, initiate him to 
maintain his interest and finally take over (the enemy)!' - Could you imagine that 
due to a lack of strength to gain power, high-ranking Nazis did business with the 
so-called high finance and the financial aristocracy, in order to gain control and 
that therefore Rohm and Feder were liquidated?" 

Landig: „Of course. It simply didn't fit the concept. That is the point. One gets money. One 
gets demands to prevent (prohibit) leaving the gold (currency) standard, and 
(above all) to eliminate the Feder theory or thesis." 

Interviewer: „Thus one can say: The freemasonic high finance aristocracy has, by financing of 
the 3 rd Reich, made demads to eliminate that the idea of interest slavery? 

L: „Yes. And that is proven also because Hitler the high degree freemason Schacht 
(Hjalmar), I personally became acquainted in Munich - after the war that the high degree 
freemason Schacht through-filed then a compromise, in favor of the high finance naturally? 
But it has, so that the NSDAP and Hitler lose the face not completely, it just the value that 
Reichsmark on the work moved, but not on gold. Thus one could say, we is subject not to the 
gold currency, but the value of the work. Thus, the German industry and work potential is the 
protection for currency. Thus a kind of giving away of the values." 

I: „Thus one can to say that the original plan, which came revolution against the free 
masons and against the world domination, capital rule, actually in the moment already again 
under control of its financed her in the moment where practically the III. realm. Can you 
about it somewhat say?" (Nazis had to drop main parts of their program (Feder) in order to 
get financial aid) 

L: ..Correct, correctly." 

I: „Any examples?" 

L: „An indirect! The suddenly tolerated armament of Germany. So that on the one side 
the so-called freedom of the German Reich with Hitler had documented, but on the other side 
the counterweights in America, England and France again reason to more rigging/armament 
had, in order to have a counterweight again for German armament. And - thus already again 
the world economy was set in motion. And that was again the large Mammon/money, which 
was made particularly in the American war industry. " 

I: ..Which have promised themselves, (there) through that they Hitler to power brought?" 

L: „That is a very tricky question. One was itself already clearly, if Hitler did not come, 
would come the bolshevism. That was actually already clear. Were the civil parties, 
including the SPD (Labour Party), at that time the Social Democrats, were leached out all 
already more or less, and the core of the Social Democrats was also halfcommunist, there 
was thus the realm banner (Reichsbanner) with the militant organizations very strongly the 
etc., which would have allied if necessary rather with the Russians and the communists. And 
the civil forces were not capable at all of repelling. It was thus the argument: radically on the 
right of or radically left. And here one said: Thus one did not want to have a Bolschewisierung 
of all of Europe also. Thus as counterweight to Stalin - Stalin and/or before Lenin." 

I: „Can you provide examples, how the NSDAP was financed by the foreign countries in 
order the seizure of power? - Like it financed is? Did it give rumors, in the IIITH realm, from 
where the money came?" 

L: „There were rumours. There the name Warburg was mentioned again and again. That 
leaked through. And it came via Holland. Actually always people also knew, where I was 
surprised, from where these had these ,Saga'/stories/ideas, said we, not like it at that time 
thus - or ,Fama' like those said that in Latin -, thus where that comes ago. But it was correct! - 
There is nothing that is completely close. And there just the things oozed. And particularly in 
the Ludendorff movement one got there very fast a feeling. "„There were any sums there and 
who has the money gotten?" „Yes, it was at that time like that: the NSDAP had a treasurer. 
That was Gregor Strasser. And Gregor Strasser knew about money. And its brother was Otto 
Strasser, who said however, straight like Gottfried Feder, that was the releasing 
point/problem. Otto Strasser is jumped off/left from the NSDAP and founded in Berlin the 
revolutionary National Socialists, with the designation: The black front. Those were pursued 
naturally then immediately. Otto Strasser had a transmitter in Prague at that time against the 
lll.TH realm furnished, thus better said against the Hitler party and against Hitler. And here the 
director/conductor of the transmitter, a certain engineer Forrmann, of agents, thus said, was 
murdered by Gestapo agents - liquidated. There the transmitter broke down. And in Vienna 
at that time a small group manufactured a newspaper, „the black transmitter", which was 
brought black over the border in the IIITH realm. But those could not themselves hold any 
longer, warn too weakly, and some one got and all into the KZ came, smooth-proves." 

I: „And which has Strasser known?" 

L: „Thus the two Strasser brothers had then no contact, because the Gregor could not do 
no more with Otto, - after he (Otto) against the party was. And with the Rohm affair one 
along-liquidated equal Gregor Strasser - as Wisser around these things, so that a confidant 
disappears, the most relevant. " 

I: „and what did gregor know?" 

L: „The financing. He was a realm treasurer. He had to transfer nevertheless the money - 
and distributed in the party. And the SA also one pray-hurried. But (worker leaders) the 
Rohm no money got - (only) Gregor Strasser." 

I: „And what did he exactly known, what one says exactly, what he knew, from where the 

money came? Can you that again repeat. " 

L: „About this I cannot say details. " 
I: ..However he was a confidant?" 

L: ..Gregor Strasser was not confidant, he was Wisser (He knew everthing). He was 
nevertheless the head. As a realm treasurer nevertheless everything went through its hands. 

I: „Then in the party program something changed, after the high finance lent money to 

L: „Yes, Gottfried Feder disappeared once for this reason. And otherwise nothing 
changed. - I have there another memory. I was some time in Berlin, in the year 37 to the 
change in the year 38 came, where I could move back to Vienna. And there I became 
acquainted with an old main crowd leader, that was there full-time in the chancellery active in 
the office of a SS-banner in Berlin. And with him I understood myself very soon very well (got 
along well), and it told me once, when we knew each other already longer, was there invited 
also with him privately, as a comrade to comrade and told me then whether I the first edition 
of more >Hitler. My Kampf< would have read? I said: ,No, I know >Mein Kampf< and, if I am 
completely open, more volatilely read, not completely studied (WL didn't sudy Mein Kampf in 
detail). 'And he showed me then a first edition there he, and there much was different than in 
the later editions. There one adjusted here already, one here already changed. I did not 
forget that, I held that also in my chronicle firm." 

I: „One can say that the ideals, which represented the IIITH realm - against whom has 
you actually fought? Brought on the point, against which you are actually proceeded?" 

L: „Thus from the Austrian side/perspective seen, for Gross(United)-Germany. For the 
recovery/return of freedom, due to the peace treaties, which had been taken from us. Return 
of German areas, which were stolen from us. And in the long run, then also naturally 
ideologically, against freemasonry. And finally, for a restrained/small circle, which was we in 
the SS and in the free corps, and which has also into the Ludendorff line fit, also the freedom 
of (religion) the Bible knowledge, thus against the Christianity, not actively against the 
Christianity, but repelling - thus for a freedom of religion." 

I: „One can say that behind III. Reich an esoteric society stood?" 

L: „Yes, we had - in the SS was there the grouping there (around) Rahn (?), whereby 
Rahn was also not the ideal figure - eventually - and then others, thus I don't remember many 
names, e.g. the Siebert, upper group leader Siebert, then. It was like that the highest SS- 
leaders had into the Wewelsburg their own medal for itself. Thus, the Wewelsburg was meant 
as training center for the SS. The SS should (stand above the Party), ideological, the whole 
things into the hand, after yes the NSDAP was more or less a mass movement, without 
putting particularly clear (idiologial) goals out. But the SS wanted, if I may call it out in such a 
way from me, to create a kind noble human being to crystallize out, thus a people aristocracy, 

of racial perfectly good humans, whereby (naturally I) the problem of the race does not want 
to see overestimated, but at least on healthy humans with a German people consciousness 
and more or less protection of the realm and also mentally on decades up to centuries 
outside, as far as that is just humanly possible. And this drove us at that time, us young 
person fascinated, because with us the word idealism was valid still much. Idealism is 
always a goal of wanting to reach something (higher) what one can never reach, but it aligns 
and leads back more highly, instead of. " 

I: „Let's go back to „the Thule society". Who was „the Thule society" and where was their 
main center?" 

L: „Yes, ,the Thule Gesellschaft' was in Munich. It became known, because in the Raete 
government (Bavaria), in the Kurt Eisner time, where parts of the people were shot by the 
communists - to the wall were placed and shot. And then: the survivors helped then just still 
up to the establishment of the NSDAP and then withdrew themselves. But were then no more 
many. And over the baseline it said (I) to you already at the beginning that no details to me 
admits are, but they coincide with what more or less took the SS out in the core." 

(some text is missing here: What about Ludendorff? 

L: He was friends with Hitler. Did the putsch together. When he noticed (the changes 
within the Party program) is connected also with the financing, which has nevertheless seen 
which loose becomes, what comes there, and that separated then from Hitler. And in the year 
37, (I) can me remind, Ludendorff died. But as it still in the sickbed was appropriate, came 
then for Hitler to him. And allegedly, (I), I did not participate naturally, also from others white it 
not, but allegedly they would have reconciled then at the sickbed Ludendorffs still, will do with 
the promise, Hitler everything that it comes to no other world war. Two years later was the 
war there. - I have the personal impression that Hitler had not also wanted the war that it 
however to ridiculous into the trap coagulated is (stept right into the political trap set for him). " 

I: „That he did not want, or that he wanted?" 

L: „That he did not want the war, but into the trap coagulated is, to it one placed, so that 
the war comes. - Look, it is very easy - with the Sudetenland question it would have had for a 
time peace to give. That says to each tactician and normally thinking politician. 
But Hitler was in the intoxication of victory, if I may say in such a way, it then Poland also still 
provoked, with the demands of Gdansk/Danzig, perhaps still entitled, but with the 
passage/corridor etc. and Poland had back however the warranty of England, protection 
warranty of England, and the Englishmen - 1 remember, but not of a newspaper or a book, but 
concretely - set Hitler the trap/Poland giving way, so that Hitler (had to react ) could not do no 
more and those Poland do not have provoked, there was nevertheless the case of - as was 
called the German border town (Gleiwitz/Sender Gleiwitz), the German, where one had 
killed the Germans. And Hitler had to respond somehow. - And with Russia that was perfectly 
clear, Russia was for the invasion ready, everybody knew that. " 

I: „Who was Dr. Morell (his role)?" 

L: „Morell was a physician. How he became Hitler's doc, withdraws itself from my 
knowledge. But he was then there and took over. And the SS-physicians, professor Brandt 

and then the doctor or professor Fikentscher, - (with) Fikent I corresponded to that and he 
lived in Kiel, completely impoverished after the war. And Hitler had those dismissed for 
Morell. As our physicians said, Morell was a quack. (So) our physicians designated it. And to 
Morell after 45 nothing happened. He was immediately free to go, he was not arrested, 
nothing, only: Two, three years later he died suddenly." 

I: „And which was it, which was Morell?" 

L: „We know. One said, he was freemason. Only I personally saw no papers/proof for 
that. That can be done not, went not. But one said, Morell to me was concretely/definitely a 
freemason. That turned out then. - And there I wanted to give an example to you to it: I was 
closely friendly with the former illegal (pre 1938) SA-leader of Vienna, Franz Tur. He was the 
most unbelievable cheat (cheaky/cunning) chap. He tricked, in the so-called combat time, the 
police. Many successes which we at that time in the underground fight due to his wits, (had to 
hold were he leeriness and its genius (too) gut'). But he was very well connected with Rohm. 
And Tuer was one of the so-called reliable old fighters. And in the year 38, when the radical 
change came into Austria practically, there was first, which he made that he first of all once 
with his official car, which he got immediately the whole tram stops, as says one, to 
Stralienbahnremisen, Tuer re-employed all the previously dismissed StraR.enbah.ner (got all 
again into the service). Because they were sacked for political reasons. 
And at the opportunity he made a house search at a/the highest ranking of the freemasons, 
one Dr. Neumann in Vienna in the 6th district and is to Dr. Neumann with two SA-people and 
with Dr. Neumann made. However nothing was found. One knew however, he is the boss of 
freemasonry, at that time from Austria. And like it, the housemaid of Neumann the eyes went 
rotated, in the lobby on suit-cases squinted, which are confessed on boxes. And that 
understood, the door, and the SA-people instructed to down-increase the suit-cases '. And 
those were full all with foreign currency and papers and documents. Thereupon Tuer seized 
everything immediately and called to Berlin the Reich Chancellery, comes immediately report 
notified etc. and two days later from Berlin the instruction to return everything. Thus 
everything was clear for us. Tuer retired. After Tuer was politically no longer active." 

I: „lt (Hitler) was then only surrounded practical by the so-called high finance-assigned 
freemasonic group?" 

L: „Yes, I told you, Hitler dropped his reliable people graduall (how we said in german 
slang: Wrong/Fake money 'Fuffziger') ,. And eventually the most dangerous man, who 
everything obstructed and prevented, was proven his deputy Bormann, who was a Soviet 
agent! We have nevertheless scarcely pre few days before war ended could we still, from 
the security agency, Funkspruche intercept (radio transmissions), which Bormann exchanged 
with Moscow. " 

I: „And what was said?" 

L: Well, the treason. - Look, after the war appeared various books and references, also 
over the supreme command (Oberkommando) of the armed forces, and there was talk about 
a so-called 'Werner', which one/we could not decode. - Who is Werner? That was a 
head/main figure, which sat right at the top, knew and betrayed everything! And Werner, one 
it does not know who Werner is (no one could identify him). And I immediately presumed it 
was Bormann. And it was confirmed also later by other sources that my notion or my 

presumption was correct. It was thus Bormann, which betrayed. And he died also then, I 
believes 54 or 56, in close proximity to Moscow in a dacha. He was well (in Moscow). And - 
Koch (some high nazi leader I guess), who sat or sits in Poland, that was likewise an agent. 
Because it was intended -, I can say that to you concretely therefore: I was friends with the 
last Ukrainian Prime Minister from the year 1919, a certain Ladoslaw Sedzcow and its wife, 
Slada Sedzcow - with Slada Sedzcow. I had held a long conversation later once with her in 
South America, where I met her. And she told me, how Koch came to the Ukrainians, who 
awaited their promised freedom (after the the german invasion). Whereby I would have to 
insert however still occasionally, it was also Rosenberg's fault (jointly guilty), which supported 
the Koch line (agenda) - then, which was thus against a free Ukraine. She, the Sledzcow, 
said, that to me is the most prominent and absolutely safe source: ,lf Hitler had liberated the 
Ukraine, the Ukrainians would have provided two armies against Stalin. And the fall of 
Moscow would have been inevitable. 

And in such a way Koch bred/created the partisans. And exactly that was it, which caused us 
so much (problems) and bound our forces. And the same repeated itself. Scarcely before the 
end of the war, Bormann wanted to evacuate the South Tyrolean to Alsace in France and 
there expulse french farmers. And the whole, which would have come, if the farmers (would 
have been expulsed), would be also Maqui(???) had been expropriated become, - French 
partisans just before end of war! And I know that, because a friend of me was a delegate in 
German Reichstag and afterwards with the Leibstandarte. And my friend told me, him 
together with Birkel, (which was first gauleiter of Vienna) flew in from the Saarland to 
Bormann and have 10 days waited that they can get an appointment/talk to Hitler in order to 
stop this. (But Bormann prevented them from talking). Due to the war events it was not 
added that the South Tyrolean could be transported to Alsace. But it was Bormann. Also the 
order of Bormann. And in addition one worked thickly (firm)/hard. And I know from first hand, 

I: „ls now the question: If practically everything was under control of the freemasons, 
during the war, then was the whole war only one material battle, in order to 
encourage/stimulate the world market? " 

L: „That the principle went at all! (That was the main reason) "„Everything (is about) goes 
only over ' money? "- „money and power. Money and power!" 

I: „Can we say that, when the war went then in the end (was over), in the end it was 
planned that the double agents, who worked practically for the freemasons were brought then 
- the high Nazi functionaries were - all to Argentina by the CIA and by Vatican?" 

L: „Yes, it was the church, again. It was the church, which helped. " 

I: ..Explain! What do you know about it?" 

L: „Yes, -, because many National Socialists were still catholics. And, for me it is not 
clear why the church acted like a Christian - I could explain it perhaps in such a way: The 
church wanted to be in any case gratefull, regardless that it had been pursued itself, more or 
less because bolshevism did not come." 

I: „To what extent does the term comes/derives „the black sun" comes/derives from SS? 
What's behind it or is it only a coincidence?" 

L: „Yes, that is one very much, very far fetching question. That is difficult in a few words 
to say but its roots goes back to Sumer, in Asia Minor, thus before Babylon (Juda). There 
were tablets found with cuneiform script, where the two suns, which are thus chiseled white 
and the black sun, and with explanations. And the black sun is the internal light; purple- 
black, which shines on the inside; and the white sun or golden sun is the daily sun, that is the 
exoteric; and the black sun is the esoteric. But it has a further explanation/meaning. I have - I 
have struggled for decades with the term „black sun" and am up always again and again, up 
to the root, to I to the root came." - (Cut) 

I: „Where did the Germans go (after the war) - who has survived, abroad? 

L: „Look, that are a very dirty, delicate chapter/issue, prominent bigwigs III. Rich, were 
by the bank party people, those have themselves, that was an error of the Reich Chancellery, 
with knowledge of Hitler that the funds were given to the party people, which should be 
deposited in Switzerland or elsewhere, with passwords, which (money) could be withdrawn if 
necessary. (But) These people disappeared all; Funds are present in Switzerland, in billion 
height, but it does not announce itself anybody and it can nobody repair (no one today can 
access the money). And around the turn of the century that will probably fall to the Swiss 
state, partially. And another large part of money was kidnapped by these bigwigs, must say I 
openly, and to the end of their life, as far as they lived or to still live, - their existence will 
secured. Different it was with us with the SS. (Our task/duty was) the rescue of (secret) nazi 
technology, also the case (maintaining of the) of the Antarctic base (that was an affair of the 
SS, and the safekeeping (-handling) of the flying disks etc. and the secret weapons. (Cough) 
and now/today the remaining disks rot/deteriorate in the Andes, because: there is not no 
material for repairs/no spare parts and no money either." 

I: „Yes we now come to the Absatzbewegungen (rat lines). Which kind of escape routes 
were there? To South America, Antarctic. If you could tell us about those. " 

L: „Yes, yes, the rat lines went to a large extent to South America. " 

I: „Aha- where?" 

L: „Tn Argentina, Chile, Peru - everywhere, everywhere, Brazil too." 

I: „And now to the flight disks. Tell us briefly, what about the rat line concerning Akakor?" 

L: „About the Akakor I got a connection/hint via Graz. Karl Brugger, the author of The 
Chronicles. from Graz, and I wanted to meet him in South America, a personal discussion, 
but approximately two months before he got killed in Rio. As I already said, from my 
environment/close aquaintances five people wer killed. One was Brugger. And I had a direct 
Antarctic connection, one engineer Wuppermann. I can say today the name freely. The 
Wuppermann had maintained connection with the Reich, respectively with me. He was the 
contact between Argentina in Buenos Aires and the Antarctic. He was with me in Vienna, then 
he went back to Buenos Aires, and one week later (in front of the Casa Rosada, which 
ministry of the Interior od. police headquarters in Buenos Aires) he was shot at 11 o'clock 

morning. And now is perhaps for you particularly interesting: he was shot at 11 o'clock 
morning. In the 1980s, there was an engineer, who worked for the (Federal German) navy. He 
worked in the construction of (guidance?) torpedos, which we already had at the end the war 
and which we used to sink a whole convoy, which was concealed in the (allied) 
messages/news. When I met with him (he asked me keep it to myself). And there he said, it 
was already under surveillance by agents, who he rebuffed. And, it didn't take long, at 11 
o'clock in its apartment in Bergedorf (Hamburg) he was killed. And likewise my friend Karl- 
Heinz Priester was killed by the CIA, in Cologne, at 11 o'clock morning. Everywhere the 
number of 11 played a role. - As if the Kabbalah is a factor here. - You see thus, there is also 
a kind superstition amongst the (hostile) secret services. And: at least it points to theo to the 
backers that there is also backers (gives), the Kabbalist's." 

I : „Where is AKAKOR, what do you know about AKAKOR?" 

L: Slightly contradictive in both german scripts: 

1 : „Akakor ist im Norden, war, war, ist nicht mehr dort, ist am Rio -, weili momentan nicht 
auswendig, also sudliches Amazonas-, an der Grenze zu Bolivien zu. Und die sind dann aber 
dort dann weg. Und meines Wissens - habe keine Verbindung mehr -in:- ganz ndrdlich vom 
Rio Negro. " (your script) 

2: „Akakor war im sudlichen Amazonas an der Grenze zu Bolivien. Sie sind dann ganz 
ndrdlich vom Rio Negro gezogen. Ich habe aber da keine Verbindung mehr." 
(http://www.parzifal-ev. de/?id= 1 0 1) 

1: „Akakor is in the north, was, was (once), is no longer there, is at the Rio -, don't know 
right now, southern Amazon, at the border to Bolivia. But they (Akakor dwellers) left then 
(sometime) to (to my knowledge) to the north of the Rio Negro." 

2: "Akakor was (situated) in the southern Amazon, near the border to Bolivia. They (then) 
moved north (of the) Rio Negro. I have no longer connections/info/contacts." 

I: „Where are the damaged flying disks? " 

L: „ln the Andes. " 

I: „Any names of mountain ranges?" 

L; „l wouldn't tell if I knew it. All I can say is, it's a vast area. One does not find (the disks. 
Somewhere (a site) between Ecuador and Chile. Only 2 or 3 are left. " 

I: „That is a large term. Were they brought there with German submarines? " 

L: „No, the disks flew. They accompanied the submarines, from their passage from 
Norway into the Antarctic. " 

I: „What was your rank/position in the Second World War and how did you get hold of 

secret documents of the German flight disks?" 

L: "I was with the SS and there in a certain agency/department, which can not be named. 
When I returned from the armed forces, from the war military hospital Belgrade, the party 
made me a administrator for secret 'Reichssachen' with Schirach. There I had the order of 
the SS to remain in Vienna and in close proximity to Schirach: to see, what he's doing and 
runs everything. And when I learned then of his bad attitude and habits, his Amouren (love 
adventures) etc. - and during the bomb attacks it made poems. I instantly notified our agency 
(written). And one day was a whole Konvolut/list of sins, so-called sins, together - and there a 
courier drove to Reichsheinrich, to Himmler and gave him the whole envelop/story. 
And Himmler went to see to Hitler and said: ,My Fuehrer, I have here the whole material over 
Schirach. 'And three days later we knew all this in the closer circle exactly: Hitler said to 
Himmler: "Leave me alone, I don't want not to know about it!' And from the day on the furnace 
was out with us (means, the SS had it with the Fuehrer). And there we knew that with Hitler 
nothing at all more is to be made. " 

I: „Which for material you could bring over the flight disks in experience or over the 
UFOs. (What were you able to find out about the disks)" 

L: „Yes. I have the names of the technical designers; where they flew, where they were 
built, I kept that inside during „the wolf-time" (??), the Allies know that." 

I: „Where were the German flight disks built?" 

L: „ln Prague, in the BMW Equi park (?) for example In addition more I don't know now 
also more, anyhow it's in my book. " 

I: „To what extent did SS-expeditions contribute to the discovery of the hollow world or of 
lost worlds?" 

L: „Yes, we abandoned the hollow world (theory). It was a topic for some people. But for 
the SS, for us the Tibet expedition was (had priority) to the Dalai Lama, the intended Amazon 
expedition with Kiss (is that a name?). - Thus that was intended. " 

I: „The flight disks, those you saw secret documents of, that were not purely terrestrial 
constructions, there were an extra-terrestial technology to?" 

L: „No, no, no. It was a German invention, a German work." 

I: „What rat lines went to the South Pole, what exactly was there at the South Pole? " 

L: „A base. A base of an area in New Swabia. Set up 1937 during an expedition" 

I: „What is in Swabia. Which was there really on the plan, what did the base look like?" 

L: „lt was located in the proximity of the Schirrmacher lakes, which are warm hot springs. 
There one could not build glasshouses with vegetable etc. and that was thus planned 
everything. - And we brought over then thus still 3,000 people - supplies. But it arose then 
that the people became perfectly sterile, as a result of the climate, everything bacterium-free; 

and if they came out then from the area, a simple cold was already deadly. And now one 
akklimatisiert then gradually the people and (moved them) to South America spent and the 
base completely some time ago dissolved (was closed down eventually). It was not to be 
held simply no more. " 

I: „What about Admiral Byrd, then there?" 

L: „Well, that was repelled nevertheless. There was then still another second affair/attack, 
in the year to 54 or 56 - That was a so-called geophysical year. They (Americans) one 
ignited an atom bomb in high altitude, above the Antarctic, aimed allegedly as a test, in reality 
however aimed at the base. And it could be repelled with a German technology, the effect. " 

I: „With what kind of technology?" 

L: "Yes, I wrote that in my book, but I am not a technician, I can give no details. " 
I: „One has the radioactivity -? (was there any radioactive fallout?) " 
L; „l know only the equipment, the name of the equipment." 

I; „You have which material seen/viewed about the German flight disks? Were there any 
construction plans there? " 

L; „Yes thus, one of my friends of (SS-division Gross-Deutschland) that saw a flight disk 
over the Viennese 'Fasanengarten'- barracks, which were SS-barracks, and my former SA- 
leader Duerr, who was with the air force, I believes air-to-surface staff or which has, in Prague 
and in Prague the disk seen. - Has me personally reported of it. - And some more is, must I 
there still in the end add. I had connections to Schauberger, which invented the first flight disk 
at all. - An Austrian on Castle 'Aue' in Upper Austria. And the Schauberger was 
('paperclipped') also to the USA, however refused to reveal anything. He was killed after few 

That says without doubt his son, who's still alive. " 
I: „Did you see flight disks from Schauberger?" 

L; „Of the Schauberger? - No, no. - However I recall, I have exact references/ideas. The 
workshop was in Vienna in the 4th district, in the Grossen Neugasse. The first model was 
made from copper and a diameter of 1 m had had. These details received I all. " 

I: „Thus the technology of the flight disks was not finished during the war? Or were those 
ready for flight?" 

L; „With end of war we had only models finished. And we used, again the models then 
in connection with the Antarctic. But (when) chessmen are no more assigned (it). (They 
weren't put into service) - Thus, there the sand (-blast??) radiation cannon was in testing. 
Thus the completely new technology would be (cut) I knew personally very well certain 
engineering graduate Karl Nowak. That was, is atomic physicist and was in the year 44, thus 

also before already, with (Otto) Hahn in Goettingen and in the year 44 we finished the 
hydrogen bomb already had and that to the Hahn submitted. The Hahn sabotaged - and 
Nowak noticed that. And there it, by bypassing Hahn, has at (contacted) Bormann eloquently 
and there is it more than ever on the lip fallen thereby and (Bormann) the Hahn called and 
then it crashed immediately. Thus the Nowak was settled/sacked. 
(So Bormann knew about the Hbomb and didn't want to use it!) 

After the war it has an invention made in the area of atomic physics, not the fission, those 
usually is now in atomic physics, but the nuclear fusion. A means, which is thirty times 
cheaper and is harmless. And I was then in South Africa with a tape in English language, 
where in two hours of Nowak the explanation of this atomic fusion on volume was spoken. I 
submitted that to the director/conductor of the atomic people in Pretoria, was that a German. 
He listened to the tape then said themselves: ,that is interessant'; - please let Nowak come!. 
They were interested to change over to fusion to possibly; and I am flown back to Vienna. And 
shortly thereafter I hear it, and he fell then (the south African had a plane crash). Then Boers 
communicated, friends of me, one knew, that to me were a sabotage. I can stress in each 
case, which will survey from all historians that the key to the events always lay with Gottfried 
Feder. The betrayal of Gottfried Feder was the key to the events - and to the betrayal and for 
the change of the politics."